Get the Coconut Professional Plan on us!

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In February 2021, Coconut announced some big changes to their pricing – with the bombshell that they were saying goodbye to their free plan.

Coconut’s new priced plans now consist of:

The ‘Side-Hustle’ plan at £3.50/month

The Side Hustle plan has limits on invoices, transaction categorisations and connected accounts.

The ‘Professional’ plan at £12/month

with unlimited invoices and transaction categorisations

coconut app

But here at Tax Warrior, we think we can offer a third option:

How does a Professional Plan at £12 £0.00 / month sound?

Monthly Coconut Fee?

Not if you’re with Tax Warrior

The exciting news is that Tax Warrior customers will all receive Coconut’s Professional Plan included in their Tax Warrior plan at no extra charge.

No Tax Warrior customer will have to worry about transaction or invoice caps – meaning a potential saving of over £100 during the year.

Join Tax Warrior today!